Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Zach Lowe Summer 2015 Series: State of the NBA Labor Union

Labor Peace In Our Time: How the NBA's Money Train Could Keep Chugging

Lowe’s idea in this article is for the NBA players union and owners agree to actually work together for once at the end of the current CBA agreement.  The league is making astronomical leaps and bounds in revenue.  Players are already wary that they can bank on small term contracts now and sign bigger deals after the agreement.  Its very rare in this day in age that the two sides actually work together.  We often end up with very bizarre negotiation agreements because both sides feel the need to spite each either for greed or pride.

Lowe seems to have faith in the players union and Michelle Roberts.  The quote from her states that the “issue will be hopefully be solved by the end of the season”.  I must say that it may be wishful thinking, however there is no denying that a peaceful look may be the best look for the league as whole.

Lowe makes his point that this is a transcendent age for the game that seems to have less issues than the other major leagues in the country.  I don’t think the the NBA is going to make the most profit of any league but I do agree that basketball is the ideal sport as far as public relations is concerned.  The only limit which basketball presents is space.  You can only get 10 guys on the court and stadiums are smaller than football and baseball.

Lowe wants both sides to “rock the boat” which I think is definitely possible with valuable players set to gain around 10 million extra dollars per contract in the next CBA projections.  We’ll have to see if teams feel that they are being crunched in the TV deals over the next two to three year period and if they want to make that their ultimatum.

I’m one to believe that greed is predictable, and that negotiations are never a walk in the park.

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